
More accurate cost calculation method for Ready mixed concrete 2021-10-28 17:05:39

Being a supplier of concrete batching plant for more than 20 years . now we are sharing the knowledge that how to calculate each volume ready mixed concrete cost.

1. Raw material cost: the cost of all materials such as cement, sand, sand, crushed stone, fly ash, mineral powder and admixture, which can be calculated simply according to the mix proportion and the unit price of raw materials;

2. Freight: it mainly refers to the fuel consumption of various vehicles, mainly including the cost of mixer truck, pump truck, loading truck, etc. generally, it can be calculated through statistics and give you a reference value. Previously, I remember that the cost of mixer truck (site distance is about 20km) is 18 ~ 24 yuan / m3 and that of pump truck is 15 ~ 20 yuan / m3. The loading truck can't remember. Dizzy~

3. Employee salary: the total salary of employees in general commercial concrete units is still linear with the production volume. This depends on the salary level of various places and the situation of various enterprises!

4. Equipment depreciation: the depreciation period needs to be considered. For example, the boss decides to recover the cost in 5 years, that is, the total equipment / five-year estimated output, that is, the equipment depreciation expense in each cubic meter of concrete;

5. Marketing expenses: including all expenses incurred by the marketing department in the sales process of commercial concrete (catering, entertainment, rebate, etc.), which should be controlled within a range;

6. Water, electricity and communication costs: including water, electricity and communication costs incurred in the production process and employees' life and work in the unit, which are relatively fixed!

7. Consumables cost: the cost of some consumables of commercial concrete enterprises, such as pump pipe and S valve of pump truck, oil, oil filtration, air filtration, tire consumption of mixer truck (the same for pump truck and loading truck), concrete mixer lining plate, mixing arm, oil, etc;

8. Testing cost: mainly the annual inspection cost of concrete mixing plant, Weighbridge and test equipment, and the testing cost of testing station;

9. Tax expense: this should be well understood;

10. Other expenses: including office consumables (all kinds of paper, pens, batteries, correction fluid... Let's imagine it yourself), network expenses, GPS expenses, ERP expenses

Supplement 1

1. For raw materials, you should calculate the consumption of various raw materials for each square of concrete according to the mix proportion, including cement, fly ash, mineral powder, sand, stone, admixture, water, other admixtures, etc. the consumption of raw materials multiplied by the unit price is the cost of raw materials;

2. Labor cost, machinery cost, water and electricity cost and maintenance cost are related to your production scale. Workers and machinery should be relatively fixed. The higher your single shift output, the lower the cost allocated to each party of concrete;

3. For the cost allocation of station construction, the cost of your station construction should be allocated to each party of concrete. This is related to the scale of your station construction and the total production quantity. The more concrete your mixing station produces, the lower the cost of station construction.

Supplement 2

1. Direct cost of materials

The dosage of cement, sand, gravel, admixture and water shall be calculated according to the dosage of mix proportion and purchase price

2. Labor cost of production machinery

The comprehensive cost of general machinery and labor is 5 ~ 10 yuan

3. Transportation and transportation costs

Calculated by kilometer and transportation mode

4. Equipment site

Amortization of site expenses and depreciation of equipment inputs

5. Administrative expenses

Amortization of management salaries based on output

6. Taxation

Business tax and enterprise income tax

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