
The curing of concrete for the concrete batching plant 2019-09-30 17:13:28

The curing time of concrete of concrete batching plant is generally the same as the curing time of the cement strength test, which is 28 days. The steam curing time of concrete prefabricated parts can reach 70% of the design strength in 6~8 hours, and the steam curing time can reach 100% of the design intensity in 12 hours.

The concrete batching plant produce concrete can gradually harden and increase strength, which is the result of cement hydration, and the hydration of cement requires certain temperature and humidity conditions. If the condition does not exist in the surrounding environment, the concrete should be manually cured. Concrete curing methods are:

First, natural conservation: watering conservation and spraying plastic film curing. The former covers the concrete with straw curtains, etc., often sprinkling water to keep it moist. The curing time depends on the type of cement, such as ordinary Portland cement concrete, not less than 7 days and nights. The latter is suitable for high-rise structures and large-area concrete structures that are not easy to be water-sprayed. The plastic solution of perchloroethylene resin is sprayed on the concrete surface with a spray gun. After the solution is volatilized, a film is formed on the concrete surface to isolate the concrete from the air and prevent it. The evaporation of water in the concrete ensures that the hydration of the cement is carried out normally, and the film can aging and fall off after the curing is completed.

Second  Steam curing: The concrete members are placed in a curing chamber filled with saturated steam or a mixture of steam and air to accelerate the hardening of the concrete in a higher temperature and humidity environment. The curing effect is related to the steam curing system. It includes: static standing time before steam curing, heating and cooling speed, curing temperature, constant temperature curing time, relative humidity, etc. The steam curing room has pit type, vertical kiln type and tunnel kiln type.

Related Reading:Ready Mix Concrete Plant,Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

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